About Us
How a Pandemic Inspired NYS
As COVID-19 spread in 2020, it brought with it a whole paradigm shift in day to day life, all over the world.
Among other things, more and more Americans started seeing the value of home-made food “from scratch”. Traditionally, Italians were already cooking at home, but they had to dig into natural yeast because, just like in the U.S. toilet paper had become the rarest commodity around, in Italy that was the case for beer yeast.
Neither of us is a professional baker, but there are a few things we have learned over time which have made our baking quite accurate and reliable.
Friends and family in our respective circles knew that, and both from Italy and the U.S., we started to receive questions about natural yeast. After recording the n-th audio message for the n-th friend or relative, containing the same instructions about ideal timing, proportions, temperature and recipe for success with natural yeast, we thought we’d simply share what we know and what we love in this platform.
We hope it can be of help and inspiration!

Natural Yeasters

Claudia is a food enthusiast with a passion for international cuisines. She started baking bread and pizza out of nostalgia for her beloved Italy, after moving to the U.S. As a professional biologist, Claudia brings to her baking a thoroughly scientific approach.

Giorgia has lived all over the place, and she’s always liked to make traditional recipes and dinners for local friends, to share a piece of Italy with them. Giorgia has been baking with Natural Yeast since 2014, and her baking got to a whole new level after Claudia started infusing her with scientific facts and tips.
In her “real life”, Giorgia is a musician and a horsewoman.